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L.Lancere, M.Jurgen, H.Gapeyeva. Mixed Reality and Sensor Real-time Feedback to increase muscle engagement during deep core exercising. Journal “Virtual Reality”, Q1. 2023.

L.Lancere, M.Jurgen, H.Gapeyeva. The effects of mixed reality feedback during deep core muscle training for lower extremity amputees: study design. Journal “Methods X”, Q2. In review.

L.Lancere, I.Kugaudo. Augmented Reality and Real-Time Feedback for Physical Therapy. 13th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies Proceedings. 2021. In printing.

L.Lancere. Technological solutions for low back pain physical therapy real-time monitoring. 2021.

L.Lancere, J.Wilken. Use of Real-Time Visual Feedback To Facilitate Core Muscle Activation In Individuals With Low Back Pain. 2020.


2022. March

Working on VR Gym project activities - VR platform to increase physical activity and socialization for sedentary populations in frames of the European University.

2022. February

Testing VR and MR applications for various diagnoses in Physical Therapy clinic Alakris, this time, knee rehabilitation.

2022. January

Applying for the European Research Council grant. Testing wearables for Physical Therapy applications together with Latvian Association of Physiotherapists. Muscle Oxygen Saturation in load progression with the Moxy monitor


2021. December

Human study at the East Tallinn Central Hospital.

2021. April

Preparing for the next user trials/studies in cooperation with Lithuanian Sports University, East Tallinn Central Hospital, Tallinn University of Technology (Industrial Virtual and Augmented reality Lab).

2021. March

Presenting in International Scientific Conference SOCIETY. TECHNOLOGY. SECURITY. presentation "Technological solutions for low back pain physical therapy real-time monitoring"


2021. February

Presenting in Estonian Virtual and Augmented Reality Association gathering presentation "Augmented Reality and Wearables for Real-Time Physical Therapy guidance" -

2020. October

Presenting in American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine - Progress in Rehabilitation Research Conference - the results of the study "Use of real-time visual feedback to facilitate core muscle activation in individuals with low back pain" - October 22nd - 3:30pm East Time.

2020. October

Preparing Paperwork for the next Study and User Tests in the Baltic States.

2020. September

Developing game and technological adjustment strategy to develop a virtual version for Oculus Quest.

2020. August

User tests with Leg Amputees.

2020. Apr - June

3D Printing Leg Amputee Socket for trans tibial amputation, testing sensor placement setup

2020. Mar

Presenting in PostDoc Open Seminar "Design Research for User-friendly Guidance of Complex Whole-body Rehabilitation for Lower Extremity Amputees by Means of Extended Reality and Advanced Wearables Data Processing"

2020. January and February

Volunteering at the "University Hospital of Iowa City" Rehabilitation Clinic and "American Prosthetics and Orthotics".

2019. Nov - 2020. June

Lab tests to validate the technological setup using Delsys Muscle Activity sensors and Hololens 1 visualization.

2019. Aug - Dec

Testing sensors for the solution

Hexoskin - breathing, pulse, ecg, Smart Textile from Riga Technical University, Hackmotion, Notch - movement monitoring


​2019. November


Attending "AR/VR Global Summit"  in Vancouver, Canada

2019. May - Oct

User tests to validate the rehabilitation exercise program

Augmented reality solution development steps

WP2.1. State-of-the-art analysis. Activities in this package are targeted to analyze and compare existing
- rehabilitation and deep breathing techniques for lower limb amputations, defining
characteristics for different amputation levels;
- XR/VR/AR rehab solution;
- wearable technologies/sensors

WP2.2. In-depth interviews with physiotherapists and amputees.
In the new methodology development process, it is essential to obtain the potential user’s opinion, his needs, and requirements in order to provide a meaningful, ergonomic, easy to use, and effective end product.

WP2.3. Rehabilitation methodology development. Combining previous deliverables and defining detailed methodology with clear sequence, actions, requirements, limitations, and specifications in a way that is easily comprehensible for the next activity realization.

WP2.4. Technology testing. In order to avoid technical complications, the involved technology as wearable sensor eligibility will be tested prior to an XR environment creation. In case of incompatibility or malfunction, the sensor must be substituted, and methodology modifications are possible.

WP3. XR environment creation.
WP3.1.Modeling basis of the concept – proof of concept.

WP3.2.Scenario development and VR design creation for application in the augmented reality environment
WP3.3.Extended reality basic solution programming.
WP3.4.User interface programming.
WP3.5. Virtual Reality version application development.
WP3.6.Sensor programming for interaction with virtual reality application.

WP4.Testing and prototyping

WP4.1.Patient trial evaluation protocol development. Defining the sequence and order for testing rehabilitation method with XR solution – sensor placement on body segments, calibration, activity level testing order to prepare for patient trials.

WP4.2.Patient search, formalities, ethics. In order to ensure high quality and reliability trials with comparable results, patient group criteria will be defined (amputation level, age, secondary conditions, etc.). To ensure voluntary and equality principles, ethics formalities must be arranged.

WP.4.3.Patient trials. Testing the XR solution with lower extremity amputees. Initially, the rehabilitation method trials with patients will be performed using only wearables. Depending on results, the XR solution concept will be aligned and then user tests with an updated solution will be performed.

WP4.4.XR solution lab tests. Depending on results from patient trials, the user-targeted XR solution will be tested in a laboratory environment for all component eligibility, algorithm functionality.

WP.4.5.Error correction and further programming.

WP5. Dissemination and networking.
D5.1. Articles in high index journals – a total of 4 publications.
D5.2. Presentations at high-level international conferences – a total of 4 conferences.
D5.3. Mobility visit to the University of Iowa for patient and XR solution user test trials.


Thanks for massage!

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